Exodus is the birth narrative of a nation unmistakably guided by the Great Deliverer. In this 10-session verse-by-verse study of Exodus 1–18, Jen Wilkin shows us that Israel’s story is our story: the same God who delivered Israel also delivers all those He loves from slavery to sin and from service to the pharaohs of this world. The celebrated artist Marc Chagall began illustrating the Bible in 1931, and it became his lifelong passion. Thisextraordinary volume includes more than 130 pages of his finest works, paired with three books from the Old Testament.Chagall's illustrations reflect his Jewish heritage and his view of the complex relationship between God and man,presaging many of the subjects and themes in his.

Exodus is the birth narrative of a nation unmistakably guided by the Great Deliverer. In this 10-session verse-by-verse study of Exodus 1–18, Jen Wilkin shows us that Israel’s story is our story: the same God who delivered Israel also delivers all those He loves from slavery to sin and from service to the pharaohs of this world.

Unfortunately these are not listed in the table of contents. The brief introduction gives a useful 9 point theology of exodus. Stuart accepts a 15th century date for the Exodus and Mosaic authorship. Sinai gives a clears statement of full monotheism and Israel is charged with being God's representative to the nations in four ways. To the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day.

Our most popular and longstanding Version 5.2 search engine is comprehensive and designed to make your Bible study experience easy! Just imagine . . . an entire library of Bibles and the most respected reference works at your fingertips . . . all linked together and available instantly at the click of a mouse. Forget searching through web sites that may or may not have what you’re looking for. Study the way you want with your favorite Bibles and references in one place . . . and all at a fraction of the cost of the works in print!


Kjv Exodus

MAC/PC Study Bible's revolutionary SmartView™ with related Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic Word Database, SmartReferences™ and CrossReferences automatically find and display every piece of information in your library that's related to the verse or topic you're studying, so you never waste time with fruitless searching.

Ease of Use

Our most popular and longstanding desktop streamlines your Bible study by providing simple, intuitive, consistent access to all aspects of your library. When you go to any of your commentaries, a convenient Dual-View option lets you select entering the commentary by a verse reference or table of contents view.


Powerful Content

An entire library of timeless and most up-to-date, carefully selected reference materials, as well as a continually expanding list of add-on modules are available to keep your library growing.

Study Tool

The Bible - Exodus Mac OS

The Biblesoft Audio/Video System, included with every MAC/PC Study Bible library, lets you play specially formatted audio-video presentations and helps you to pronounce any Greek lexical form word with a simple click in the Complete, Advanced and Professional Reference libraries.

What Is Exodus

MAC/PC Study Bible . . . designed for the way YOU study!
Other Bible study programs require tightly specified search variables to return successful results. In short, other programs require you to do most of the work to get anything approaching relevant results.

MAC/PC Study Bible is different — it automatically finds all related information for the verse or topic you're studying! Every time you open a Bible or a reference work, MAC/PC Study Bible instantly finds and displays other information from your library about the verse or topic. And because it shows you only the reference works that have relevant information about what you're studying, you never waste value study time!

Start where you want . . . Go where you want.
MAC/PC Study Bible lets you choose where you start your study. Unlike other programs, that force you into starting from a specific place or studying in a specific way, MAC/PC Study Bible recognizes that you have your own way of studying the Bible. So you can start by viewing cross-references, comparing Bible translations, or clicking on any Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic word in any reference to begin a word study. Or with a couple clicks, you can choose to view a selection of commentaries, maps, and even articles on a multitude of topics. The choice is yours.

And once you've begun your study, Biblesofts's powerful linking system enables you to quickly and easily view one reference work after another expanding the information on the subject that you are studying. That's why we say: MAC/PC Study Bible is lighting way your study.

MAC/PC Study Bible Version 5's user-friendly interface makes it easier than ever for you to study the Bible by providing simple, intuitive, consistent access to all aspects of your MAC/PC Study Bible library. This popular version has retained the well-known functions in the same place so you won’t have to relearn where to find information. Our easy-to-use interface is simple to navigate and provides greater flexibility and power with biblesoft's popular features such as the SmartViewTM pane to increase the effectiveness of your personal Bible study.

Stay organized, no matter how many references you consult
When you begin your Bible study in Version 5, you'll be amazed at how effortless it is to keep track of where you are. That's because each window has a 'tab' at the top, much like a file folder so you can easily see what's open enabling you to switch between windows on the fly, and close any window when you’re finished with it.

Additionally, every tab has 'launch new' button which allows you to use it as the starting point for another branch of your Bible study If you want to retrace your steps, the universal 'Back' and 'Forward' buttons, much like your favorite Internet browser, allows you to return to where you were with a single click of your mouse.

Each of our three (3) MAC/PC Study Bible libraries features the very best conservative, Bible-based reference works for every aspect of Bible study. From classic works like Matthew Henry's Commentary to more modern resources like the Dictionary of Christianity in America, each reference work communicates the central truths of God’s Word in a Biblically accurate way. And MAC/PC Study Bible makes these works even more valuable to your Bible study by linking them directly to the Bible — and to the rest of your library — giving you the most powerful, tightly integrated, yet easy-to-use Bible study library available today!

Now with more content in every library
With reference works like the Wiersbe Bible Exposition Commentary (OT and NT) and never before included add-ons like The Complete Jewish New Testament and Jewish New Testament Commentary, MAC/PC Study Bible Version 5 is an exceptional value! No matter which of our three libraries you choose, you'll receive incredible content at a fraction of the print cost!

Keep your library growing continually
Biblesoft is deeply committed to providing you with the most powerful tools to deepen your Bible study, so we're continually adding to our growing list of available titles that plug right into your MAC/PC Study Bible library. With popular additions like the Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, IVP’s 18-volume New Testament Commentary, the Counseling Through the Bible, Biblical Counseling Keys Collection and many more on the way, you're sure to find the add-ons you need to keep your library growing with your every study need!

The Bible - Exodus Mac Os Version

Our ever-popular MAC/PC Study Bible Version 5, features the ability for you to hear an in-program pronunciation of the Greek lexical forms in both the Modern and Erasmian styles.

The Bible - Exodus Mac Os 8

As Biblesoft releases more resources that take full advantage of MAC/PC Study Bible Version 5’s in-program ability to play video presentations that tightly integrate with study content, you will be the first to know. Why, because BIBLESOFT values our customers, like you, and is dedicated to continuing to develop new and innovative study tools and options!