We just released a Feb. 5 '89 prototype of DuckTales for the NES!
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The most popular Survival horror Games for Mac Free Download: Resident evil. It is believed that it was in this game that the concept of survival horror was first used in computer games, so we can say that this project laid the foundation for the genre. Doom; Alone in the Dark; Silent Hill; Amnesia; Alien Isolation; Slender the Arrival; Outlast.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation:
The Transinium Challenge

Developer: Trans Fiction Systems Inc.
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Platform: Mac OS Classic
Released in US: 1989

This game has hidden developer credits.
This game has hidden development-related text.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused text.

Terrorist crisis, on Staaaar Trek! Thenextgeneration.

Data: The miners are extremely vulnerable to attack.


Riker's in command of the mission!

Picard: Your move, Number One.

Will he unravel a deadly mystery?

Riker: I'm the only one who can do something about this.

Or bring doom to the Federation!

Velura: All good things, they say, must come to an end.

It's up to you! On an all-new STAAAAR Trek! Thenextgeneration.


The 'short version string' in each file's vers resource is 'GLG', the signature of programmer Gregory L. Guerin.

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The substitute for missing text has been trimmed since its appearance in Hidden Agenda...

...but the one for missing graphics remains identical:

As before, the devil shows his face anywhere a still image is missing. This is what the game becomes after deleting every Stil resource:


Velura's assistant Smith wants to leave his job at the mining outpost behind, but there's no way to grant him passage on the Enterprise. Data states that taking him 'would be against Starfleet regulations', Worf rues that 'there is nothing we can do to assist him', and Riker reflects that 'he certainly can't come with us'. In fact, this encounter has no branching choices at all: you can only click Acknowledge in response to Smith's complaints.

However, at one point, players were clearly meant to have the option of beaming him up. An unexplained but very common glitch turns the 'Mr. Smith' topic in the observation lounge into an airing of grievances about his presence aboard ship:

PicardYou must get rid of that man Number One- take him back to Velura.
WorfThat man is a nuisance.
TroiI think we all would be better off, if we got rid of Mr Smith.
CrusherNow that you have removed that man from his planet, he is your responsibility.
GeordiYou must do something about that man Sir. He is constantly getting in the way.
DataI see nothing wrong in Mr Smith's actions. Is not everyone entitled to their opinion?

Despite the above, Smith is still back at the D-39 base, and can be killed if it suffers a terrorist attack. Even then, the erroneous lines remain accessible in the lounge.

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The Star Trek series
Commodore VIC-20Strategic Operations Simulator
DOSThe Kobayashi Alternative • 25th Anniversary • Judgment Rites
NES25th Anniversary
SNESStarfleet Academy Starship Bridge Simulator
The Next Generation
DOSThe Transinium Challenge
Mac OS ClassicThe Transinium Challenge
NESThe Next Generation
GenesisEchoes From the Past
SNESFuture's Past
Game BoyThe Next Generation
Game GearThe Next Generation
Deep Space Nine
GenesisCrossroads of Time
SNESCrossroads of Time
Windows/MacintoshElite Force (Prototype)
WindowsArmada • Armada II
PlayStation PortableTactical Assault
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What is Mac OS X DP2?

Mac OS X DP2 is the second 'Developer Preview' release of Mac OS X (pronounced 'ten', not 'ex').

What is Mac OS X? The most common answer is that it's the 'client' or 'consumer' release of Mac OS X Server. (What is Mac OS X Server? Find out.) Like its server counterpart, Mac OS X is targeted at any Mac that Apple shipped with a PowerPC G3 processor or better. This means that Macs based on the PowerPC 60x processor are stuck with Mac OS 9.x--even if they've been upgraded with a G3 processor card. The scheduled release date for Mac OS X is (surprise!) a moving target. The current party line has Mac OS X on store shelves some time in 2000. I fearlessly predict that it will not appear until 2001 at the earliest (unless they decide to ship a half-finished product a la Mac OS X Server 1.0), but maybe I'm just a pessimist.

What differentiates a 'consumer' or 'client' release of an OS from its 'server' version? In the case of Mac OS X, the answer is 'a lot.' Or rather, the answer had better be 'a lot,' because Mac OS X Server in its current state is absolutely unfit as a replacement for Mac OS 8.x/9.x ('classic' Mac OS). Mac OS X Server 1.x is an OS in transition, half way between its NEXTSTEP roots and its Mac OS future. It looks kind of like Mac OS, but it behaves like NEXTSTEP. This will simply not do for an OS that aspires to supplant classic Mac OS. Thus the need for Mac OS X, sometimes referred to as 'the real Mac OS X.'


Scary Challenge Mac Os X

Unfortunately, Mac OS X DP2 is not that OS. It's simply an environment that allows developers to build and test their applications on an early version of the core of what will become Mac OS X. This being the case, certain traditional software review metrics make little sense: ease of installation, hardware support, feature count, even performance. This article will not be your typical review, or even your typical preview. There will be no step-by-step installation instructions, no comments on the lack of DHCP support, no guided tour of the networking setup, user account administration systems, and no benchmark graphs.

Mac OS X DP2 itself may not be the future of Mac OS, but it does provide a lot of information regarding the likely future of Mac OS X if you're willing to do a little digging. So let's get started.