This is the license for the NON-SERVER version of Mac OS X Lion, 10.7, and every operating system since then has had a similar provision. This means that yes, you do need to run it on Apple hardware, but you can run up to three copies of OS X, or two in a virtual machine presuming you were using Xen or ESXi. IMPORTANT: As of Mac OS X 10.15 (Catalina), Apple have made changes that have broken how many programmes, including QUBE, work on Macs. We are working on fixing this as soon as we can, but in the meantime Mac users running Catalina or a later operating system should contact for alternative installation instructions.

ATTENTION: If you are running macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or later, you will not be able to install the QUBE app. This is due to changes Apple have made with this version that have broken the ability to run several programs, including QUBE.

To check which version of macOS you are using, follow the instructions here:

If you are running Catalina or a later version of the OS, please click here to find out how you can access QUBE.

If you are running an earlier version of macOS, you will be able to directly install QUBE. Please click the link below to do so.

View OS X Installation QwikGuide NOW

I was born into a world of computers with Microsoft Windows operating systems from DOS to Windows 10. Macs were an old-school (literally, at school) way of computing and Linux was a tech genius with nefarious undertones. I’m happy to say this bias is transforming and I’m enjoying it.

I came across Qubes OS during my exploration with the Raspberry Pi. Qubes OS presents itself as “a reasonably secure operating system”. This operating system runs applications in Virtual Machines (or “qubes”) creating more separation between them.

Qubes OS can also be installed on a flash drive.

This isn’t a guide to walkthrough the installation of Qubes OS. Instead, here are a few helpful resources to get Qubes OS installed while on a Windows PC. The documentation is already quite helpful.

  1. First, make sure your system supports Qubes OS and that the benefits of the operating system can be leveraged. I never meant to install Qubes OS when I built my Windows PC and after changing some settings I was good to go:
  1. Assuming your system can support Qubes OS, the installation file needs to be downloaded. I suggest downloading the ISO file. Verifying the digital signature is explained further:

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  1. There are a few ways to install an operating system from an ISO file but first you need to prepare the installation medium. I chose a flash drive and used Rufus to help. Check out the documentation carefully – on Windows, Rufus is recommended. Make sure to select “DD Image” after selecting the Qubes ISO:
  1. After preparing the installation medium, prepare the installation drive. I installed Qubes OS on a flash drive. Boot from the installation medium and make sure the device is available when you reach the Installation Summary screen. Don’t worry, you still have a chance to cancel the installation on this screen. You may not even get there if your system doesn’t yet support Qubes OS. Tip: the installation process will ask for two passwords 1) to encrypt the drive and 2) to login. You will need to enter both after each boot up so choose them well:
  1. You are almost done. There are a few post-installation steps to go through:

Enjoy your reasonably secure operating system! I’m sure no shade was intended towards Microsoft Windows.

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Check out the Qubes OS Project source code on GitHub: